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What are the 10 things to consider while choosing educational toys for toddlers?

Is your Toddler 1 to 2 Years Old? If yes, you might be aware of the development which happens in them during this age. They start learning new things now and then. They are curious to touch, play, move and understand. Educational toys play an essential role in the development of your kids. There are so many toy stores with cute, fuzzy and colourful toys, each toy insisting that it’s the best for your kid. So going down the toy aisle causes a panic attack to most of the parents. This article will offer some remarkable ideas for choosing toys that will help your child grow and nurture her thinking capability, communication, and social-emotional skills. Toddlers usually learn through play. They are interested in doing things and explore more.

Choose toys that encourage problem-solving skills

Playing can help your kids practice new skills. Toys help them figure out something independently, building their logical thinking skills and encouraging them to become persistent problem-solvers. Toys should also develop hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. For example, materials like clay, paint, crayons or play-dough can be the best things to buy for your toddler.

Choose educational toys that can be used in a variety of ways

Open-ended toys can help kids play different games with them. These toys will spark your child’s imagination and develop their logical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Ensure buying safe educational toys

Toddlers spend more time with their toys; making sure we give them safe toys to play with is a big responsibility of parents. Toys should not be too small to be swallowed or choked. Battery operated toys can be hazardous and cause chemical burns, and sometimes it may also be a reason for internal bleeding.

Look for educational toys that will grow with your child

Have you faced the situation where your child plays with a toy for few days and never touches it again? Buy toys that can be fun at different developmental stages. For example, small plastic toy animals, dollhouses are always fun for kids at different stages.

The right educational toys at the right ages

Make sure to buy a toy that is right for your child’s age. Do not forget to consider your kid’s temperament, behaviour and habits whenever you purchase a new toy for your kids. Age level plays a vital role in choosing a suitable toy.

Look for toys that nurture cross-generational play

Children and adults can play anything together, but there are some toys designed for adult’s participation. Age 3 and beyond, kids will love to use early board games, and that involve using one’s memory, or simple board games are fun for all ages to play.

Choose a toy that has an ‘educational value’?

Toys are not only meant to entertain kids, but it also helps children excitingly learn new things. Using the same toy, again and again, increases your kid’s confidence, and they start believing in their capabilities. Toys will develop the wanting to explore and play further among the kids.

Flashcards for Toddlers

Don’t follow the hype

Please do not fall for the newly launched toys. Those toys might not be suitable for your child. Think over again and understand what will be the role played on your kid by the toy.

Don’t buy excessive toys to entertain your child

When your child reaches different milestones, start updating the toys. This will keep them happy and motivated. As said, few unique toys always remain fresh than having a whole lot of junk.

Choose a toy that fits with your kid’s interest

Every kid will have their type of interest. Some kids might love animals, some may love cartoon characters, and other kids might love music. So being a parent you need to be very careful in understanding your kid’s interest and Buy Toys helpful in fueling your kid’s interest.

Magnetic building blocks

Educational Toys for Toddlers

·        Balls: Encourages gross motor skills, dexterity and hand-eye coordination.

·        Shape-sorting toys: Pegboard puzzles, nesting cups or blocks, and buckets with holes hand-eye coordination & problem-solving skills.

·        Mechanical toys: To develop fine motor skills and problem-solving, and teach cause-and-effect.

·        Role-play toys: Play kitchens, doctor’s kits, and golf sets encourage role play and aid social and emotional development.

Educational Toys for Preschoolers

·        Puzzles: Jigsaw puzzles benefit coordination and dexterity. It also teaches about spatial relationships and logical thinking.

·        Arts and crafts: Improves fine motor skills activities strengthen coordination, encourage creativity, and foster self-esteem.

·        Blocks and construction sets: Using their imaginations helps create buildings, vehicles, animals and encourages problem-solving skills and hand-eye coordination

Educational Toys for Big Kids

·        Jump rope: Kids learn to take turns and get along with peers. It encourages large motor development and problem-solving skills.

·        Card and board games: Teaches strategy, turn-taking, negotiating rules, and fair play. Encourage cooperation and help kids learn to manage their emotions.

·        Musical instruments. Encourages listening and fine motor skills and build attention skills.

·        Science toys. Chemistry sets, binoculars etc., promote discovery and problem-solving also improves math and science skills. 

Educational Toys designed by Toy Castle:

ToyCastle English Alphabet Flashcards is a classic study tool for your kids. It is one of the better practices through which your kid’s brain learn most effectively. Help increase memory as children can learn the alphabet letters, associate words with pictures, and quickly develop their language and literacy skills. 

ToyCastle Magnetic Building Blocks for Kids is an open-ended resource for children. They provide endless possibilities for play. Magnetic building blocks encourage children to build critical skills in development. 

A writer by passion, happy in creating and managing content in every niche.
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