Benefits for BabiesBuilding blocksToys

How Can Playing with Toys Benefit Kids

Playing is not just about the child having fun. Let us find out how can playing with toys benefit kids. This can extend to the physical and mental development of the kid as well. Even a simple game of hopscotch, Building Blocks, and dollhouses can benefit your child in unimaginable ways.

Did you know that by playing, kids develop lifelong skills that they will probably never get the chance of developing later in life? They need to be mentally, physically, and socially active.

In the olden days, there weren’t as many toys available, and there was no concept of educational toys either. We just had to make do with a stick and stones, be creative, and make our toys for entertainment. It would be a blessing if one of us had chalk and we’d play hopscotch all day in the sun. Kids these days are very lucky as there is a huge variety of toys to choose from.

Benefits for Babies

The different colors and shapes of different toys are intriguing for babies. As babies are curious about their surroundings, the bold and bright colours seem attractive. This also helps them identify colours from an early age.

Toys that make sounds such as rattles, a dancing doll, or anything that has a speaker attached to it, are really helpful when it comes to sensory stimulation for the child. You can even test it yourself by placing such a toy somewhere near the baby and watch how they become curious to look for it. More often than not, they will be able to figure out the source of the sound. This keeps them active and entertained, while simultaneously helping them develop motor skills and get a grip on their movements.

How Can Playing with Toys Benefit Kids

Moreover, toys can also be very distracting for them. If your kid is causing trouble while eating or wouldn’t sit tight for a bath, just hand them a toy of their liking and notice how things get easier for you. They will instantly start sipping on that bottle that’s been sitting there for quite a few minutes, or that one-hour long bath will only take fifteen minutes of your day! So, in a way, toys are not just beneficial for the kids, but for you as well.

You will be surprised how these toys distract babies. The other day I had to take my 6-month old for a vaccine shot, the process went so smoothly, she went from crying her lungs out to instantly cheerful and happy as soon as she saw her favourite light-up toy (bonus: it also has her favourite songs).

Toddlers and Toys

This is the age when children start to question everything, they ask about 100 questions per hour and drive you insane. But you shouldn’t react by shutting them down, or else this can destroy their curiosity and confidence. Instead, engage them in educational toys which will help them learn, keep them busy, and might even answer most of their questions. (read: most. Yes that’s right, no matter how many toys you get them, they will always come to you for any questions they have, no matter how stupid)

Educational toys come in many forms. There could be a talking parrot that’s loaded with information and gives a new piece of general information each time it is triggered. Or you could get them one of those visual books which read out the pages and have amazing illustrations on them.

Talking parrot

These toys help promote the creative and imaginative side of your child. Even when playing with a dollhouse, you will see how they come up with stories for their dolls, and act like adults/parents for them. You’d be surprised as to how much back story these dolls have, and all the struggles they’ve been through. A child’s mind is a powerhouse of imagination, you just need to stimulate it.

Building blocks can also help children recognize numbers and get familiar with counting. And even by playing with Building Blocks, they can make different structures using their imagination. They will also develop problem-solving skills. Meaning, they will know what to do to keep their structure intact.

You can also get them walkers which are perfect for children who cannot walk. This will help them learn to walk quickly. This newfound mobility will excite them and make it easier for them to move from one place to another. This can be a fun game for them if you take part in it as well by making them come after you or play hide and seek.

School Going Kids

Once your child is old enough to understand colours, shapes, and objects, you can engage them in board games. They help your child develop emotional skills. They learn to process their emotions if they lose a game. This will also help them prepare for their practical lives. When things aren’t as easy, they will use these skills to power through without losing their calm.

Toys aren’t just meant to be played alone with; they are meant to be shared. If your child has the opportunity to play with others, why not get the best from it?

Toys bring children together. Did you ever take a toy to school whether it was a cool car or a Stuffed Toy, do you remember how your friends used to be so fascinated and how everyone wanted to take turns playing with it? This helps your child develop social skills that are necessary for them to live and interact with the people in this world. They will be able to share their things, enjoy the company of others, and make new friends.

Sitting behind a desk and just blankly staring at the teacher’s talk is not the best way for children to learn. Many schools have started to introduce learning apart from books. This is because visual learning helps kids retain things and learn them faster as well.

You may not remember a book you have read, but you will remember a scene from a movie. Your brain retains information better when it gets to interact with the material. Similarly, teaching children through the use of toys, for example helping them remember stories by using actual toy figures to depict the story, helping them count by asking them to count their cars or dolls.

However, toys must not limit your child to the 4 walls of the house. Once they are old enough to walk, you can set up a basketball hoop outside according to their height and age, they will soon learn to throw the ball in the hoop, and who knows, they might even become the next leading NBA star.

You can also get them a pushcart, or a small car/cycle which they can move around. You can start with a 4 wheeled cycle, then move on to a tricycle, and then finally a bicycle. Bicycles are great for them to learn to balance. This will also help them get familiar with driving an actual car when it’s time.


Parents that prevent their children from playing with toys are not doing justice with them. Why are you preventing your child from learning and growing? Toys are the best way for them to develop certain skills that even you can’t teach them.

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