Barbie toysBuilding blocksEducational toys

How to choose the best productive toys for kids?

From the intriguing world of swift cars to magically enchanting Barbie dolls, toys have been a major source of attraction for kids of all ages. No where will you see a child who is not interested in toys. In older times, when modern and tech-savvy toys were not very common, kids still used to play with toys made of sand, clays and paper.

This sheer inclination towards playing with a tangible thing reflects our natural instincts that finally translate into physical yet appealing objects; that are toys and games! However, not everyone is born with the same aptitude or interest and no two children are alike. This is why every toy manufacturers make sure to cater to everyone’s needs and engagements by considering multiple factors before producing toys and bringing them to the market. This is inclusive of age, interests, nature and suitable and safe materials for the child.

Due to this, parents feel overwhelmed because of so many toys readily available in the market. They sometimes get their hands on whatever “looks” good to them. But, as a parent, it is important to understand that toys do not just provide fun. They are imperative to a child’s development. That is why it is crucial to invest your money to go for the right toy for your kid. But how? Let us guide you through our expert suggestions and tips to choose the best and productive toy for your child.

1. Fancy toys are not always the beneficial

There is this notion widely prevalent that the more expensive or fancy the toy, the more it would benefit the child. However, experience says otherwise. Children have often showed interest in free play and natural things that gives real feels. Just like in old times when there was no expensive toy, children enhanced their creative abilities by making toys themselves out of few easily available materials and excelled equally well in their developmental milestones.

Therefore, look through the actual productiveness of the toy by weighing many possibilities such as safety of the toy, age appropriateness and whether it will last long, before spending a lot of money on it.

2. Choose flexible toys that provide limitless possibilities

It is a wise decision to go for toys that do not just serve one purpose. For example a cooking or kitchen set or a doctor’s set may be beneficial to spark appeal for that particular pretend play. But does not really give unlimited opportunities to explore. Results? Children might get bored by finding just one area of exploration. On the other hand, toys with no predetermined boundaries enhance creative imaginations.

Magnetic Blocks and LEGOS are such toys that can be used in several contexts. Moreover, these toys stimulate critical thinking and polish STEM skills.

3. Take your child’s interests into consideration

A child’s appeal and aptitude is crucial to every decision you make for him or her. The same applies to the Toys for Kids that they choose to play with. Do not ever force your choices to your child. If he displays interest in a particular niche, it is better to cultivate that interest. But, you can broaden their horizons by picking toys that exhibit productivity as well as match their interests.

4. Never underestimate the power of creativity

These days, brands and companies are cashing a lot on the term “educational toys”. Marketing strategists are well aware of the parents’ desires to introduce an academic spark right from the beginning. This is the reason why every company and toy store is bringing toys with strong claims about educational learning.

In this quest and race for instilling academic qualities, STEM skills and educational learning, parents have been entirely missing out on one essential point; the creative instinct of a child. While educational toys are great for learning and we term them as one of the best productive toys, they should not be the ONLY driving force for your kid’s playing needs.

Toys and games support arts alongside boosting STEM skills. Some like piano, keyboard, xylophone, guitars are equally integral for shaping child’s imaginations. Craft supplies and DIY arts and crafts kits make an excellent choice to promote both skills altogether. Musical gadgets, nesting dolls and age appropriate musical books are especially suitable for preschoolers and children above age one.

5. Sharing is caring- the power of social play

In this era of digitalization, kids are often seen armed with digital and gaming apps, which is not only leading to detrimental health effects but also leading to solitary and isolated play. The undue and unqualified academic pressure is also contributing for children not playing with other kids around.

The United Nations High Commission for Human Rights considers play as a right that should be enjoyed by every kid regardless of age and gender. Considering toys that build immaculate social skills should be preferred by every parent alike. Toys can actually flourish and teach valuable social skills among the peers since they inculcate the values such as patience, compromise, sharing and negotiations during a minor difference in point of views.

Therefore, parents should buy toys that involve multiple kids and they should share and play happily. These may include building blocks, play-dough and books.

6. Forget the screens

While screen time may not completely be eliminated from a kid’s life but limiting it to one hour for ages 2 and beyond is recommended and can be implemented. Prolonged exposure to screens is not only harming the eye sights of little children but also brings out other issues like sleep disturbances and concentration issues. Opting for toys that do not include screens and graphics may help your children to derive pleasure by natural, raw experiences.

To give them the experience of real life, outdoor toys such as sandboxes, sports equipment, playhouse, and swing sets are a great choice. This too will promote social play and sharing, involving multiple kids at once as well as promoting fitness and outdoor physical activity.

7. Polish linguistic skills by using a variety of books

Books are an excellent and smart investment when it comes to build up various skills all at once. To further enhance linguistic, intellectual, creative and artistic skills, parents can opt for books that are colorful, bright, musical, and include a lot of illustrations.

Now days, fabric books are trending and parents are introducing them to their infants as early as 6 months old. This is because the touch and feel books really help stimulating the senses and fine motor skills of the infant and develops interest in them to read later on in life.

Moreover, things like basic puzzles, board games, card games and appealing books can really serve as a way to boost imagination, knowledge, and vocabulary; all whilst having fun.

It is important that kids get to play with the right toys that not only shape their imagination. Parents should supervise everything for a better physical and mental health without compromising on fun. Just leaving them to play with building blocks, books or arts and crafts set for hours would not be sufficient. Parents should be encouraged to share their point of views and address the kids after a little while to build a strong connection. Games and toys that even siblings, parents and elders can take part in facilitate good social interaction and help with better development.

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