Board GamesBuilding blocksEducational toysLearning fun

Mind-boggling Games for Kids

Educational activity toys

Summertime is all about fun and games. Your little champ must be jumping out and about with excitement waiting for their favorite holiday season! However, we understand that you might be worried about your kiddo watching useless cartoons and shows on their television screens for hours rather than doing something productive with their free time. Obviously, you cannot expect them to study on their holidays now! What if there was another way to stimulate the minds of your young ones that too in a more fun and engaging manner?

We all love games that are challenging, interesting and competitive. For a child, these games can be a great source of learning and development. These games help the children develop fine motor skills, coordination, visual perception, memory, pre-math calculations, decision-making and competitive skills.

A great way to spend a highly productive summer with your kids this year is to invest in some cool mind-boggling games for your kids that they can play with their friends and family both indoors and outdoors.

Here are 8 fun and exciting mind boggling games for kids that you can gift to your little ones this summer!

1. Sudoku

This is one of the choicest board games that you can play with your kids at home. As soon as your kid starts recognizing the numbers, ask them to play Sudoku with you. We promise that your little champ would be hooked in no time!

The game is pretty simple. You just have to use all the numbers and place them on the board in a manner that each row and column adds up to produce the same sum in the end. However, there’s a catch! You cannot use a number more than once in a column or a row.

This game challenges your child to strategically plan his next move and enhances his visual perception, addition skills, decision-making, and strategic planning power. At a young age, developing these skills is very important. Playing games like sudoku stimulates the young minds and encourages the children to incorporate logic and creative thinking into mind blowing strategies that would help them win the next round!

Start off with the simpler version of the game for your kiddo to get the hang of it and move to the harder ones when your kid is ready for some real challenge.

2. Monopoly

This one game has been out there for the longest time ever and is one of the top favorite family games that we know of. Here’s a good reason why Monopoly always makes it to the top of the charts!


Here’s another one.


Okay, last one. IT IS MIND BLOWING!

You want to spend some quality, fun, and productive time with your kids? Bring Monopoly home. We promise that you won’t regret it. In fact, we know that your whole family is going to love you for this.

This game will teach your kid some really cool financial tricks in a fun and challenging manner all the while stimulating and captivating their little minds in an exciting new world of Monopoly.

Get your family around the table and indulge your champ’s creative little mind with this ultimate mind-boggling game!

3. Jenga

Does your kid love stacking and nesting different things around the house to make a large tower? Of course, he does! That was our favorite pastime as kids as well. You know why? Because it was funny, challenging and invigorating all at the same time.

Stacking things up requires logic, creativity, and strategic planning. It improves perception, coordination, and fine motor skills in a child and Jenga is one game that offers it all. Your kid loves stacking? Build a tower with all the blocks in Jenga!

Oh, but here’s a twist! Ask your kiddo to displace one block at a time from the tower and place it at the top all the while making sure that the tower doesn’t fall off. You can take rounds and see who takes the best shots.

Oh, but here’s a twist! Ask your kiddo to displace one block at a time from the tower and place it at the top all the while making sure that the tower doesn’t fall off. You can take rounds and see who takes the best shots.

4. Chess

If you want your kid to truly develop some amazing analytical skills, ask them to play a game of chess with you. This one game has proven to be more successful in skill development than most of the other games that we know. It compels the player to plan, percept and perceive the future moves that might help them win the game.

For a little kid, this sounds like a fun way to showcase their skills. For a mindful parent such as yourself, this is the perfect way to steer your kiddo’s attention towards something way more productive than the useless cartoons and tv shows that your kid loves to watch.

Show your kids some cool chess tricks and look how their eyes light up with excitement and challenge!

5. Blocks

If your kid is younger, try giving him some really cool Blocks. Build different things with him and let his imagination run wild with multicolored block sets. These are perfect for improving color coordination, shape perception and motor skills in your children.

You can get them a set of simple blocks initially and later on move on to more complex sets such as Legos as your kid grows up.

6. Puzzles

Why puzzles are our absolute, all-time favorites? Because they are the perfect activity for your kids to pass the time in a productive and a highly conducive manner.

These puzzles allow your children to use logic, visual perception and problem-solving skills and urge them to be competitive and result driven.

Get your child a really cool puzzle that he would absolutely love. There are many Puzzles for Kids available for different age groups according to the difficulty levels.

7. Scrabble

Do you know what really blows a mind? A good game of scrabble! No matter what age you are, you cannot stop yourself from taking part in a game of scrabble especially when the whole family is ready to win this game.

This is an amazing family game that helps you learn impressive new words and boost your memory, vocabulary, and problem-solving skills. You can start off with simpler versions of scrabble for your junior until the kid gets the hang of it and then proceed to the harder versions for a fun family activity that both you and your kid can enjoy.

Games and child’s play has always been a crucial part of learning and development in a child’s life. From the day a kid is born, he is constantly learning and growing and playing games help him develop the basic skills that are important for his growth. These mind-boggling games expand the creative little minds of the young ones and pave a new way for them where they learn to solve problems and compete with each other through logic and strategies.

Bring some of these mind-boggling games for kids home and spend an amazing summer with your kiddo this year!

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