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The Ultimate Gift For Your Mini Astronaut

Since ancient times, mankind has been fascinated with outer space, skies, and constellations. This fascination was inherited generation after generation, and it is the sole reason for our advancement in space technology. Now we have astronauts, NASA, and in-depth space knowledge, which by the way is much more than what we know about our oceans.

“We have better maps of the surface of Mars and the moon than we have of the bottom of the ocean”


It’s truly fascinating. So, it’s no wonder when kids look to the sky and dream of reaching the stars and learning more about space. Young and ambitious kids with a love for space should be encouraged to engage in activities that ultimately develop their STEM learning and quench their curiosity about outer space.

Books and stories about space and astronauts can only help so much. Your little scientist needs more. Your mini astronaut, just like any ambitious professional, needs their own scientific gadgets and Learning Toys to foster their scientific and critical thinking. Kids learn best with visual and hands-on practical toys.

If you have an ambitious kid with their head in the stars and dreams of becoming an astronaut; there’s a science kit that will not only broaden their creative horizons but also teach them a lot about space, the solar system, and constellations, all while playing. Every scientist needs their own lab. And your child too, can have the ultimate science lab experience with this all-in-one fascinating science tool.

And this ultimate gift for your mini astronaut is Space Lab Science Kit.

Galt Toys Space Lab Science Kit

Reach for the infinity and beyond with this ultimate gift for your mini astronaut! This is not just another ordinary science kit. It’s particularly designed for creative kids, aged 6 years or above, with a knack for space and science.

It comes with:

  • 22 glow stars
  • 46 glow connectors
  • 10 constellation straws
  • Rocket bottle and fins
  • Nose cone
  • Rubber stopper
  • Valve
  • Galaxy slime powder
  • 3 telescope lenses
  • 2 paper straws
  • Notebook
  • White tack
  • Split pin
  • Plastic sheet
  • Glow planet stickers
  • Sticker sheet
  • a3 constellation guide
  • Printed card pieces
  • 24 page lab book


A hefty list right? Goes to show that Space Lab Science Kit doesn’t fool around when it comes to providing the best for the future astronaut.

Following are the Top Most Awesome Features of Space Lab Science Kit.


Space Lab Science Kit comes with 3 telescope lenses for your mini astronaut to play around and look into the depths of the constellations he built with the help of the kit. Let this play pretend telescope be the first of many real ones your mini astronaut will have in the future.

It also provides a great bonding opportunity; you can explain the mechanism and technicalities of a real telescope to your kids while they are playing with Space Lab Science Kit. This will make for a wonderful playful learning experience.

24 page Lab Book:

The kit also includes 24 page color lab book with 12 experiments to challenge the critical thinking of kids and motivate them to be more creative.

Equipped with everything a creative child may need for playful learning, this 24 page color lab book is like a journal for your scientist, in which they can record their findings, read about new experiment options and try them out, fill the pages with beautiful colors and have a great time.


Who doesn’t love beautiful constellations! This kit allows your kid to build glow in the dark fascinating constellations and build their own little space in their room.

One of the most attractive items in the kit, these glow in the dark constellations and connectors are bound to fascinate your child. They will have a great time assembling them and making beautiful constellations in their room.


No science kit is complete without a rocket. After all, that is the first thing that comes to mind when we think about outer space adventures. Space Lab Science Kit also comes with a rocket. Let your kids be NASA specialists for a day and watch them plan and launch their very first rocket mission into their own outer space.

Galaxy Slime Powder:

Just because it is a science kit, does not mean that it cannot be fun. For the ultimate entertainment, this kit also provides galaxy slime powder. Your kids can make colorful slime and make it whatever they want; maybe it is an alien, or maybe it is some sort of gooey outer space element. The possibilities are endless. Let your scientists have a field day with it.

Printed Card Pieces and Stickers:

Space Lab Science Kit also comes with cool-looking printed card pieces and stickers. You can use those to teach your kids about space in a fun and playful way.

The kids can also paste those stickers into their notebooks to make them stand out. They can also flaunt their cool space sticker collection and make new friends. After all, when it comes to playtime, the more the merrier.

Still not convinced that Space Lab science kit is the ultimate gift for your mini astronaut. Don’t worry – there’s more!

  • The Winner of the 2019 Progressive Preschool Award for Best Preschool STEM range.
  • Space Lab Science Kit is in line with the National Curriculum.
  • It is recommended by the Good Toy Guide.

It cannot get better than an award-winning, curriculum friendly Toys that comes highly recommended. Not only it provides wholesome entertainment, but it also does wonders to encourage a child’s curiosity and creative learning skills.

Benefits of Space Lab Science Kit for Kids

To summarize, Space Lab Science Kit has the following benefits:

  • Motivates kids to be more creative
  • Encourages playful learning
  • Best gadget for early STEM learning
  • Fosters critical thinking
  • Boosts confidence and practical communications in kids
  • Award-winning toy for Best Preschool Stem range
  • National Curriculum Friendly
  • Highly Recommended by Good Toy Guide

Space Lab Science Kit is the favorite of many kids and parents alike, and it’s not hard to see why. Parents already have so much on their hands, so a toy that not only keeps the kids engaged for hours but also provides real learning value and entertainment is heaven sent.

Space Lab Science Kit is also a great tool for the homeschooled kids. Parents can actively teach their kids about science, space, telescopes, rockets, and much more with this one tool. Science is usually a bit tough and complicated subject for most of the kids, so Space Lab Science Kit provides a great opportunity to teach the kids about science without boring them.

Get this tool for your kids, and watch them be excited about everything science and space!

Disclaimer: As with all the toys with small pieces, Space Lab Science Kit is not appropriate for kids below the age of 6.

Don’t miss this opportunity to get the best creative space science kit out there. This birthday, get the Ultimate Gift for your mini astronaut and watch them have the time of their lives.

Fill their lives with color, constellations and, rockets, and watch how happy it makes your adorable mini astronaut.

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