Educational toysLearning funOutdoor Toys

Treasure Hunting Games for Kids

A great pastime for kids during this summer vacation is to indulge into fun-filled activities. An exciting game of treasure hunt is just what you need to encourage your little kiddo to leave the couch and minimize the screen time this summer. Not only is this an interesting way to stimulate the young minds but also a fun activity that the whole family can take part in!

Your kiddo should be playing and jumping around the place, actively taking part in fun activities instead of sitting glued to different types of screens all day long. As a parent, you must be willing to spend an awesome time with your kids and playing the treasure hunting games can actually help you bond with your kid while encouraging them to partake in problem solving and fun activities.

Here are 5 amazing treasure hunting games for kids that you can purchase this summer for your little pirate. We promise that your kiddo is going to love these games and won’t be sitting still after they find out how cool these games are!

1. Travel Scavenger Hunt Game

This amazing treasure hunt game will make your family trip all the more exciting and super fun. Spending long hours on the road can both boring and exhausting for both you and your little one. Especially when they keep asking you “are we there yet?” repeatedly.

Now you would not want to engage your kiddo with the screens. What you can do is get this cool card game to play with your kiddo on the road trip. In fact, the whole family can enjoy trying to find the clues and hidden objects with the help of these amazing cue cards that are designed in an “I spy” format. You can either play individually or divide the members into two teams and compete with each other for points. The team who manages to guess or find the most objects by solving the riddles given on the cards will win the game.

This one game can really uplift the mood of your little champ and get them all excited and happy in no time!

2. GO TROVO Treasure Hunt Game

Who doesn’t love pirates? Trust me, we all have shouted our “Aye Aye Captains” along that pirate from Spongebob Squarepants! And trust us when we say that your kiddo is definitely a secret fan of Captain Hook. After all, pirates are super cool and so much more fun than the heroes right?

This next game will let you and your kiddo live your ultimate treasure hunt fantasy when you will embark on an awesome adventure as your favorite pirate king. You just need a map, some clues and a trove full of treasure that is ready to be found by your little champ. This game is exciting, gutsy and so much more fun than the other treasure hunt games that you might have played with you kiddo before.

Give your little pirate a map and a clue to solve. The children can follow the map and solve the clues and collect the loot while looking for the treasure trove with a magnetic lock. The one who finds the treasure will be the ultimate pirate king. Now you all can shout your Aye Aye Captain and reward your kiddo with a prize.

What can be a better way to turn a boring summer day into a fun adventure with your little one than this?

3. Card N Go Seek

Stuck inside the home with your kiddo and bored out of your wits? Get this amazing card game to get your little one moving. This game is perfect to get the children thinking creatively and actively. The cards come up with different riddles such as “Find something that is Sour” or “Find something that you might need on a beach”.

Stuck inside the home with your kiddo and bored out of your wits? Get this amazing card game to get your little one moving. This game is perfect to get the children thinking creatively and actively. The cards come up with different riddles such as “Find something that is Sour” or “Find something that you might need on a beach”.

Riddles like these will stimulate the young minds and urge them to think creatively. This one activity can improve their problem solving skills and teach them about many new things and their usefulness. This is perfect for the kids from 7 to 15 years old but the older teens can also take part in this game. In fact, the whole family can join the team and compete with each other for the maximum points. All in all, this particular game is exciting , fun and a great pastime during this summer vacation.

4. Go Find It Too

Staying indoors for long hours in a day can be both boring and frustrating. Especially for your little one who is already done with the pandemic and just wants to stay as much outdoors as possible and play for as long as he wants. Obviously, this is not possible especially during all this Covid 19 fiasco. However, you can not keep your little one inside the home forever. The children need to do something outdoors in order to stay active, playful and connected to nature.

Few hours of mindful activity can get your kid moving and jumping out and about with joy and this amazing “You Find It Too” card game will help you with that. The cards come up with clues such as “find something furry” or “find something hard”. The kids will be forced to find creative ways to answer these cues and will search the perimeters for such objects that match the description on the cards. Interesting games can be planned with English Alphabet Flash Cards also.

This game is perfect for outdoor activities such as camping trips, hiking and other sporty adventures!

5. uKloo Riddle Edition Treasure Hunt Game

The one thing that can truly make a scavenger hunt all the more fun and exciting is a mind boggling riddle. You can not find the treasure before answering the riddle. If that isn’t cool!?

The uKloo Riddle Edition game is perfect for the children who love a good riddle. Well the catch is, there isn’t only a single riddle. You will get clues that are an unsolved mystery and you will have to solve the riddle to get to the next clue until you reach the final clue and solve your last quest before getting the treasure trove.

This game is an awesome way to stimulate the young minds and enhance decision making and problem solving skill with creativity and logic in these children.

You can play this game both indoors and outdoors. This is especially fun when you have plenty of time to kill and the boring summer days are making you dull and tired. The kids can write their own riddles on their notpads as well and ask everyone else for the answers.

Get your kid moving this summer and encourage them to partake in some amazing fun filled activities such as these treasure hunt games for kids. You can easily purchase these games and set them up in a way that the kids have a slightly tough time finding the cue cards. However, make sure that the reward is bigger and better than these clues. Only then will your kid be super excited to play this game!

Make travelling time fun and less boring in the car by getting your kid to play scavenger hunt with you. Keep that hooked by acting mysterious and mischievous. Apart from hunt games, you can also arrange interesting letter games and Spelling Games for Kids. We are sure that your kiddo is going to love you for this!!

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